Sunday 19 February 2017

나에 대해서 [na.e dae.hae.seo] About me~

I bet you guys are trying to pronounce my post title just now, I hope  that you guys can pronounce it well though, just joking~ 
Hello, everyone. So, it's a little bit awkward for me to start blogging again because I have to drill my brain for a minute to get some inspiration to post, and yup it's really hard, I feel you guys! Also, my English proficiency isn't that good as the others, so please bear with me! I will try my best to improve myself better, and I do need your moral support too, really appreciate it! 

Yup, that's me! Haha!

First of all, my name is Siniarofizy ak Siniarovich (why my name is too long! haha~), just call me Fizy for short, haha! I'm 22 years old and uh... I came from Kuching, Sarawak (that's why my name is so unique, haha), I'm Bidayuh-Chinese ( can't speak Chinese, but I know how to speak Korean, what a shame, haha). Currently, I'm taking Bachelor of Education majoring in  Language & Literature, haha!

If you guys don't know about where I came from (because some people do ask me a question about it), Sarawak is the largest of 13 states in Malaysia. Located in the north and north-western tip of Borneo, it covers 124,450 sq. km and stretches over 750km. It makes up 37.5% of land area in the country (slightly larger than South Korea). Sarawak is unique in that there are significant differences in culture, administration, and lifestyle. Sarawak’s population of 2.4 million people comprises roughly 27 main ethnic groups still in existence, each with its own language, traditions, and way of life. Sarawak is renowned for its abundance of natural resources. Liquid natural gas, crude oil, and tropical hardwood timber sustain the economy. In the last few decades, agriculture (palm oil), light industries in food processing, shipbuilding, and electronics, is becoming increasingly more important. 

About my race, Bidayuh Sarawak or Land Dayak is one of the minority’s ethnic in Sarawak, living predominantly in Kuching Division. The Bidayuh itself mean “the inhabitants of the land,” is the second largest Dayak ethnic group in Sarawak after the Iban. The Land Dayaks as they also known could be found living in kampong or villages in Serian, Penrissen, Padawan, Bau and Lundu in Kuching Division and along the border with Western Kalimantan, Indonesia. 

That's our traditional costume, it's pretty right? 

One more thing, that beautiful woman is a former Miss World Malaysia 

Dewi Liana Seriestha, she's a Bidayuh too! 

So, we're going back to the track now, why I choose education or teaching as my profession? Well, to be honest, being an educator isn't my first choice because I want to be a businesswoman or other jobs that are related to the business field. It is because that I love business because, of course, it's about making money, haha! But, I wasn't expecting this event would change my view on being a teacher. 

When I was in Form 6, I really admired this MUET teacher, Mr. Jimmy Then. He's so dang friendly, funny and I really loved the way that he teach us in the class, it's really fun! 

Mr. Jimmy (wearing in black shirt one) 

This photo was taken before he's moving to our school, he's way more handsome than in this picture, haha! 

But our meetings is too short when he left us here in this world in Feb 2014, where he's involved in a car collision while he's on the way to his hometown in Serian, Sarawak to meet his parents. No more lame jokes and no one can imitate how the way that he teach his students. 

I want to cry right now!!! 

Starting from there, I decided to focus being a teacher to follow his footsteps. I realized that being a teacher is not just to teach your student, but to influence the younger generations through our good values as a teacher. Being a teacher also to become a best friend to our student, understands them and try to make them enjoy on learning something instead of giving them a pressure them to get an A's in their examinations. That will give an adverse impact on our students, and they will be demotivated on learning in the classrooms. 

About my philosophy of teaching~ 

Teaching is a process of instilling the concepts and necessary skills for life-long learning, in addition to team participation, with an individual. The student will ultimately leave the protective environment of the ‘educational system’ to enter society as, hopefully, a contributing entity. When this occurs, it is essential to have the ability to ‘teach one’s self’ and effectively collaborate with others, to manage and process the problems and issues that are presented during life. I believe this is necessary for the continued growth of humanity.

To become a teacher in the future, my goal is to share this process, focusing on a subject matter in my area of expertise, using current teaching tools available. I will strive to personally model this using my professional experience in the real world, often incorporating existing projects as they are presented to me, and continuously seek new methods of processing and presentation. My lesson plan allows flexibility for this spontaneous discovery as well as directives toward specific goals. I present students the fundamentals of the subject, real-world examples, and a collaborative forum for discussing options to deal with these issues and why. From this, the student will experience a ‘hands-on’ practical application of the learning process, and, as a teacher and professional in my field, I have the opportunity to gain new insight based on individual student needs and collaboration with colleagues in the future. 

That's the end of my thoughts for today! Bye! 

With love, Piggy~



  1. Anyoung!
    보고 싶어요 Bogoshipeoyo!

    I like ur thoughts!it's nice to share it. From what you say,I could see how you will be as a teacher in the future. Keep it up!

    1. Thank you! I will try my best to be a good educator in the future!

  2. Wao!! Fizy, you are a bidayuh? i never know about it. Suddenly felt so shy for our past activity of DIY bidayuh costume.. >///<
    hopefully our DIY costume didnt ruin your culture? But i think our DIY costume looks not bad too right? hahahaha. opps. jkjk
    If only we know earlier, could have ask for your opinion about the costume and many more others bidayuh info. haha
    Great to know you Fizy, best of luck in teaching!! :D

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment.

      Nobody would realise that I'm a Bidayuh because of my Chinese-looked face, haha! Why you have to be shy though? By the way the custome that you guys wore on that day is so pretty! I'm so proud of you guys because you're trying to promote our culture to the other people. If you need to know anything about my culture, please don't hesistate to ask me! Ok?

    2. shy shy.. thank you for you compliment, hahahaha xD
      ok sure!! ^-^ tqvm Fizy

  3. Hello there my friend! Great job on the blog. WOW! I did not know that you are a bidayuh only after reading your blog. I cannot wait for your next blog post. Take care and all the best 😃

  4. Hi, Ash~ Haha, I'm a bit secretive, haha! Thanks for your comment~

  5. Fizy.. Don't be sad... Please do bring Bidayuh food for me okay? Hehehehe..... Waiting for you next blog

    1. Ok! Bidayuh food? Ok, sure, why not~ Haha!

  6. Good introduction of yourself! Hope to know you better :)
