Monday 27 February 2017

(170221) First Class Reflection

Hi everyone~ So yeah, I have some difficulties in my brain again to get some idea to write this post, haha! Last Tuesday, we learned about School of Thought (SOT) from our lecture, Dr. Ng. So far so good, I have learned a lot of stuff during in the class. Yeah, this Pedagogy in Education class so...

Swag~ Haha

My classmates~ Halo!
Where am I? Haha~

To be honest, I'm so clueless when Dr. Ng asked me a question about Behavioural School of Thought, and yup I can't answer her question due to lack of knowledge about it. Huhu~ But I'm so surprised that she didn't get angry with me because I couldn't give her an answer. She continued asking the other person, and she explained it more thoroughly about it. So Fizy, next time be prepared and read before entering to the class. 

I really don't know what to answer! Huhu~

There are three schools of thought about learning and teaching that are not entirely independent to one another, but they share certain beliefs about learning which is:

a) Cognitive school of thought

They focus on what goes on inside our heads when we are learning.

b) Humanistic school of thought

They focus on the social and emotional learning and development of students.

c) Behavioral school of thought

They focus on how our behavior is modified by our condition.

After I'm studying those three types school of thoughts, I realized that I can't choose which kind of method is the better or worst because as you guys know, students came from different background, each of them is one of a kind, and they have their own potential. Each of school of thought has their own strength, and it all depends on teachers to shape their student to be what they are they wanted to be. 

So that's all from my reflection from the class last Tuesday. Bubye~

With love, 
Piggy (Peace yo~)


  1. its okay fizy!
    we learnt from mistakes~~

    1. Huhu, thanks Azie! If we don't make a mistakes, we didn't learn anything right? Human is not perfect but by learning from the mistakes itself makes them perfect because they fix their weakness~ Deep, haha

  2. Hi! i can't stop laughing for the 'Sawgggg' thing. Hahahaha
    Hmmm.. What do you think about the class? and the pedagogy thingy? haha. Any thought about it?
    Its okay if you do not have any. :) thank You

    1. Me too, I really miss them right now~ The class? So far so good but I have to read and be prepared so that I can understand more what I've learned on that day. Pedagogy thingy, from my perspective, is about the way or method on how you teach your student in the classroom~ That's all from me~

  3. SWAAAAAGGGGGG~ good short summary! hehe remb eat breakfast b4 come in to class HAHA

    1. Thanks for the advice though, Jeremy! Swag~

  4. Good day my friend! Your points on the three school of thought are clear and concise. Keep writing and all the best my friend 😃 I cannot wait to read your next blog post. Take care

  5. Hi, Ash~ Thanks for the kind feedback! have a nice day~

  6. HI! Good write up!
    What is your first impression on pedagogy class??

    1. My first impression on Pedagogy class? How to say ah, haha, it's really scary when you first entered the class, I don't know describe that feeling, haha~ But now, I'm used with it, because it takes time to accept a new things~

  7. Hellloooooooo Fizyyyyyyy! What do you feel about all of us in the classroom? On the first day :D

    1. I feel awkward meeting you guys actually except Aell &
      Azie (maybe I'm a bit introvert when I meet new friends) but then I realised that you guys are so dang friendly~ Haha!
