Monday 6 March 2017

(170228) Second Class Reflection

Hi, everyone.

I'm so sorry for the late post due to 'unforeseen circumstances'~ Yeah, my brain can't function this few weeks correctly but who cares? Haha.

So, for this week class (two or three weeks ago, haha~), we've learned about 10 things students want educators to know in our Pedagogy in Education class session. Yup, it's about students' feelings on how they learned or experienced in school. Dr. Ng also explains more thoroughly about this topic. Maybe when you read the image below, you probably had experienced some unforeseen events in the school or classrooms, for example being ignored by the teacher because you're a slow learner, etc.

10 things students want educators to know

After the discussion had been ended, Dr. Ng told us to think about 10 things students don't want educators to do. So I've listed down 10 things, but if you agree or disagree, please post your comment below, thank you! Let's digging!

1. Being late for work
As an educator, you should be a good example to your students. So, if you came late for work, the students also doing the same thing at their workplace in their future. So far, I didn't encounter this situation yet, so yeah, I hope that I wouldn't be that type of educator! Haha, so embarrassing!

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So restless~ Haha!

2.  Giving too much homework or assignment
As an educator, you shouldn't burden your student by giving them a lot of exercises, etc. That's a no-no! It will demotivate the students on their learning.

Image result for too much homework gif

Too heavy to carry, so do the student's brain as well~

3. Give Up
Teaching is challenging work. Giving up is the easy way out. No matter what time of the school year, your students deserve your best. Learn from your failures. Learn from your successes. Every student is worth the trouble. Every student has the potential to succeed. Every teacher has the knowledge to know the difference between working hard and hardly working. Every teacher has the power to create experiences that shape the future of a student positively.

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Please don't, teachers! Your students need you!

4. Yelling
Yes, it happened when I was in secondary school, maybe the teachers are too stressed with their students who won't paid attention in the class. No students like yelling at them. This will cause them to slowly dislike the teacher and may result in distrust too. Also by yelling, you can never follow the classroom management plan. Students will more listen to you when you speak in a normal voice. While raising your voice, it seems like you are showering your frustrations in front of them. Clear communication will make teaching an easier and enjoyable task as well.

Image result for yelling teacher gif

Cool down, young lady~

5. Getting too much friendly
Who want a strict teacher all the time, teachers should be a friend to their students, but most new teachers make this mistake. They try to win the students by compromising on discipline, which may result in disrespect. Make sure to follow the set of rules that teaches them discipline. Also never be too open with students to discuss your personal information. Instead stay professional and try to earn their respect and appreciation.

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It's not annoying, but yeah, teachers should know their limit also~

6. Sit the entire class
An easy mistake for teachers to make, especially when they’re tired, is to sit for the whole class, but if you sit the whole class, you drain energy not only from yourself but also from the class itself. Moving around keeps you lose and energized and having you in different parts of the classroom and in closer proximity to students helps keep them focus. (I have to cut down my weight so that I won't be tired while teaching in the class~ Haha!)

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What the teacher's feel inside be like...

7. Forget to encourage students to pay attention, take notes, study & practice outside of class
This matter always happens in my secondary school. As the teachers know that some students are extremely motivated and don’t need to be asked. Others, need encouragement to take notes or do homework. If they’re not taking notes, ask them to. If they forget to do their homework, talk to them about how important the extra practice is and encourage them to do it. Keep them on task and paying attention in class. Students need to know they’re not in a bubble where they can do whatever they want. You are in there with them. 

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Who done this before? Please don't lie~

8. Forget to memorize and use student’s names
I know my name is quite unique, but I really appreciate if the teacher always remembers my name especially in the class (but not a Q&A session, please don't call me, just joking!). Students will appreciate that you took the time to really get to know them. It shows you care and helps forge a more personal bond with your students, so the sooner you can learn their names, the better off you are.

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Please don't, haha~

9. Embarrass your students
I did experience this when I was in Form 6, my Geography teacher always busy reminding me to lose some weight but in an improper way. She called me 'Fatty' (what a mean world~) in the class in front of my classmates, it really hurts my feelings. So, don’t joke about your students’ shortcomings and insecurities. Your job as a teacher is to build students up, not to tear them down and if you say anything bad about one student, other students may start to wonder what you are saying about them as well, or when you might start.

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Don't be like this, ok?

10. Forget to take attendance
I don't know what else I can put for this article, so yeah. Depending on your employer, you may also need to jot down participation grades for all your students. Don’t forget to get in the habit of taking attendance at the start of class. You may think you can do it later when you have more time, but if you forget and a few days go by, you may not remember with certainty and attendance can be crucial to students.

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Please raise up your hands!~ Haha

That's all from me. 

From, Piggy~ Muah...

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  1. Hi there! Good points on What Students Doesn't Want From Teacher. Does your points here based on your own experience or just a random thought? Look forward to your reply.

  2. Hi Yoke Jen! Thank you for your comment. To answer your inquiries, this post are based on my own experience because it happened many times during my schooling days. Thank you again! Have a nice day.

  3. Hi Fizy~ creative way u express ur points wif gifs! haha~ ohh, i got a question, what are the ways to remb the whole class students' names? too much names to remb... D: how do you remember your teachers name then? XD

  4. Hi Jeremy~ Thanks for the compliment tho! By using GIFs, the readers can manage to understand the information more thoroughly, am I right? Haha! Back to the question that you've asked about the ways to remember your student's name, first thing first, you must pay attention on the first day they introduce themselves, just focus intently their names because people may get distracted when the information is too much to focus to.

    Then, you can use a creative way to remember your student's name such as using mnemonics. Mnemonics is a tool help remember large amount of information like facts, names etc., so mnemonics can be acronym, rhyme or maybe an image to help you to remember your student's name easily. For example, you have a student named David, so you can create your creative phrases like "David has a long hair like a David Bowie~"

    I hope the tips that I gave you is quite reliable to you and everyone who read this, haha! This tips also may apply on how to remember your notes for your final exam too! Haha, good luck!

  5. Hi there! Great job in today’s blog. I guess you are sharing your own experiences as a student. Thank you for sharing and I cannot wait for your next blog post. Take care my friend 😃

  6. Hi, Ash! Thanks for the feedback btw! Take care too~

  7. Hi Fizy! Good job on this explanation! Lot's of the experience is same with me by the way! Can't wait for the next blog!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Mimi~ Have a nice day~
