Monday 13 March 2017

(170307) Third Class Reflection

Hello, everyone!

How you guys been lately? Stressful week huh? As usual, I always skipped my breakfast because I don't have time to eat, was so rushing to go to the class. Haha. So, for this week class reflection, we've learned about student-centered.

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Chill girl~ Haha!

Ok! Let us begin on what we've learned today! So, we were discussing in the article or a report about “Navigating The Bumpy Road to Student-Centred Instruction” in class. This article tells us about a traditional type of student’s experiences on how they are adapting learning in student-centered educations and the obstacles in teaching this traditional student. Yeah, like me. Just joking.

So, how this traditional student would react if the student suddenly has to adapt this kind of learning? They are not happy with it because they have been exposed that the teacher is the only person who is teaching in the classroom or teacher-centred instruction.

Next, Woods (1994) observes that students forced to take major responsibility for their own learning go through some or all of the steps psychologists associated with trauma and grief. I choose three out of eight reactions of students learning through student-centred instruction.

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They were too shocked. 
"I don't believe it we have to do homework in groups and she isn't going to lecture on the chapter before the problems are due?"

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Resistance and withdrawal.
"I'm not going to play her dumb games, I don't care if she fails me."

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Return of confidence.
"Hey, I may be able to pull this off after allI think it's starting to work."

After we're finished our discussion on that topic, we're assigned to do our 3rd reflection from Dr. Ng: Suggest 2 methods solve 4 selected issues from 11 listed highlighted in the article.

That's mean 4 issues with 2 methods. Whoa! Haha!

Today's reflection~

1. If I assign homework, presentation, or projects to groups, some students will "hitchhike," getting credit for work in which they did not actively participate.

i. Create a strict rule and punishment for those who did not actively participate. The teacher also has to distribute the role that they have to do for homework, presentation or etc. to make them work together in the group.
ii. Create a reporting system. For example, after that group finishes their discussion on something like who is gonna be presenting and whatsoever, the team leader have to make a report, so the teacher knows what they are doing.

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Wait, I want to submit my report! Hold on, teacher~

2. I assign readings, but many of my students don't read them and those who do seem unable to
understand the material independently.

i. I will try to explain about the readings and ask the students if they have any of doubts.
ii. Set the students to work in pairs. So they know what they are doing and help each other if one of them don't understand and etc.

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Don't worry, be happy~

3. If I don't lecture, I'll lose control of the class.

i. How to control the class even though you didn't lecture them? First thing first, I'll make sure the topic to learn on that day, the students understand about it and ask them a question if they have any doubt.
ii. Create a group discussion. Choose a reliable leader to lead the team. This is so important because they will be on a right track while they discussing the topics and the teacher has to monitor them as a facilitator to ensure they can manage to make a discussion.

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Group discussion in the classroom will be like...
The students don't know what they are discussing~

4. Many of the cooperative teams in my class are not working well their assignments are superficial and incomplete, and some team members keep complaining to me about others not participating.

i. I try to select a significant activity like brainstorming or resolving conflicts and offer tips in class on effective ways to carry out the activity. So that the group interested in doing that group thingy. Haha!
ii. I will give teams the last resort option of firing uncooperative members after giving them at least two warnings, and I will give individuals carrying most of the workload the possibility of joining another group after giving their uncooperative teammates at least two warnings.

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No, try! Don't give up~

So, that's it from me! Have a pleasant day~
From, Piggy.

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  1. Fizy Fizy~~ 'Where are you now~~~'. I miss your blog post.. Im so keen to read your new post~~~ I'm still waiting patiently here for you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  2. Yue Ling ah~ I'm so sorry dear! I dunno where I'm going haha! Thank you for waiting! Huhu!

    1. hahahaha, its okay! Welcome back and i love the cats that follow me around the screen whenever i move my mouse. hehe
      I wanted to make a pig pig for my blog, how do you do tat?

    2. Cute right? Just go to this website, you can find even more cuter cursor at this website~ (P/s: you choose your oppa's face too, hahaha, just joking~) & after that you have to copy the link, save it at layout section~

      Good luck, hehe~

  3. Fizy! What a great blog!
    But I have a question... For the first in solution 1, beside a strict rules can we use a soft method in soft way so that student will not hate us?

    1. Soft method? Probably I'll give second chance to complete their task given by extending the submission date. I don't think we have to afraid our students to hate us because as a teacher you have to put your strictness
      maybe a little bit, so that they won't take anvantage of your kindness~

  4. Hi there! Good write up!

    For issue 1, you mentioned about creating a report system? How effective do you think it will be? As for me, students are already busy with their things and I don't think they will do report each time as it is a little troublesome.

    1. They have to make a report once they had a discussion, maybe they can make a simple report as long as it reliable to me~


  5. Hello there! Great write up on today’s blog. I can say for each methods you have stated pair or group work. Why so? Sometimes group work is not always a good solution. Some students would prefer to do it alone. Do you have a solution for that? Looking forward for your reply 😃

    1. I do agree with your point that somehow group work isn't work all the time, but the thing is student-centred needs some interaction to make sure this method are working~

      For student who decides to work alone, I would encourage them to do that, but at the same time I'll try to make them work in a group, so they starts to accept new things and get used with that~
