Monday 20 March 2017

(170313) Fourth Class Reflection

Hi, guys! We meet again huh~ Haha!

Ok,~ Jjang jjang! Last Tuesday, we learned something that an educator or a teacher must have before starts their engine to teach their students. Guess guess~ It's about a lesson plan people! Haha!

Remember when your teacher came into your class and bring the big book thingy with them as well. Yup, that's their lesson plan for the teaching of that particular day. They bring it with them all the time so that they wouldn't miss anything about what they gonna to teach to their student. 

Image result for lesson plan clip art

Image result for lesson plan meme

Some of the teachers will be like... Haha, please no more lame jokes, Fizy!

Lesson plan. What is lesson plan? A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction or 'learning trajectory' for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning.

A lesson plan is so important to teachers because it's like their guidelines for their teaching. So, the teacher won't lose track because they follow their lesson plan that they make.

Today's reflection~

Lesson Plan~

So, the lesson plan consists of:
Proficiency Level: There's a 3 level of proficiency (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), so the teacher have to choose one of these levels, for example, Beginner, the teacher have to teach basic thing like definition and etc.

Subject: What subject you want to teach? English? Maths? Each subject has their own lesson plan, so don't mix it up.

Background Knowledge: Do the students have knowledge about this topic? Do they know about it before?

Learning Objectives: The goals and intentions of the teacher who teaches the subject. Can often be numerous, accurate, and detailed. Assessing and reporting on each goal for each student may be impossible.

Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes are what students are expected to learn after completing the lesson planOutcomes are clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the subject.

Values: Values from lesson plan play an important part in student's lives. They help them to decide what they expect of themselves and of others. Their values help them to make decisions.

Teaching Aids: An object (such as a book, picture, or map) or device (such as a DVD or computer) used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction audiovisual teaching aids.

Resource / Reference: What kind of material the teacher are using for their teaching? Reference books, textbooks and etc. as their additional info for the process of instruction.

Lesson Plan (Stages)

Stages: There are 3 stages: Introduction, Development, and Closure. These three are important for teachers so that the teaching instruction will become more organize.

Teacher / Student Activity: This one is about what kind of learning activity they must do according to the lesson plan.

Rationale: What students will get or outcomes from the learning process~

AVA: AVA (Audio Visual Aids) is a device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic and KEBABOOM! Haha, just joking! 

Self-reflection: This one is a must for a teacher to write a self-reflection because it helps them to improve their way of teaching. Also, it helps them to make improvement so that they'll a good educator in the future~

So, that's all from me! Bye!
From, Piggy~

Image result for highlight kpop gif:


  1. Hey there Fizy~ Can I know for the lesson plan in table, how did you arrange it? I hope that I can look on it.. Thanks ~ Hehe :)

    1. I've forgot to put that one, thanks for reminding me~ Later I'll update my post ASAP~ Thanks!

  2. Hi!!! Do you think the 'subject' should comes first?
    erm..... will you be doing for the table form lesson plan too?

    1. Yeah, I think subject should comes first because you know what are you gonna teach~

      Yes, later I'll update my post ASAP~ Thanks

  3. Hi there! I think your lesson plan is insufficient. What about the later part? On development stages, teacher's activities, student's activities, rationale and more??

    1. Yes, I need to re-updated my post ASAP~ Thanks
