Thursday 23 March 2017

(170321) Fifth Class Reflection

Annyeong. Bonjour! Hi, guys~ Again... Haha~

Last week, we learned about Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes~ So, I put the image below as summary on what we have learned on that day. Let's take a look!

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Learning Objectives vs. Learning Outcomes

So, today our class are focusing on music! Yeah, not a K-pop songs ok, Fizy! Hahaha~ Who likes to listening to music while studying? Like me. Yeah, for me, music like piano instrumental or classical music (as long it is instrumental, haha!) really help to boost up my mood to study especially a heavy subject and also helps me to focus more on what I'm gonna to study. You can use music as a supporting tool in your class too. It can contribute to creating a positive vibe in the class! Your students gonna love you for the entire year~ Haha!!!

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'We're soaring, flying~' Haha~

Today's reflection~ Hukhuk!

Luckily I've found this website named SlideShare, so called the mother of powerpoints and slides, you named it. There's a slide for education, technology, and everything. You can search it from there. So I've found this slide, and I'm falling in love with it. 

Click this link for the slide: 10 Ways to Spread The Love in The Office

The reason why this presentation doesn't need to be fixed, because:

1. Impressive points.
Even though the person who makes this slide are using simple sentences to highlighting of ways to spread the love in the office, the point is so powerful yet attracts the audience because it's too stand out.

2. Creative graphics and images.
Graphics game level=100%. The graphics and pictures that that person is using are so beautiful and attractive too. So that the audience who read this slide won't lose their attention look at those slides.

3. Straightforward and plain wallpaper.
This slide even though it's so simple, but the plain wallpaper helps to make sure the audiences can see the slides clearly and easy to watch from far behind.

4.Font game.
The font. Oh, my~ This person are playing with the fonts, so as for a result, EPIC! I like how this person choosing the font very carefully in order to make those sentences to stand out!

So guys, what do you think about the slide? Are you agree with me?

That's it for today, see ya~
From, Piggie

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Monday 20 March 2017

(170313) Fourth Class Reflection

Hi, guys! We meet again huh~ Haha!

Ok,~ Jjang jjang! Last Tuesday, we learned something that an educator or a teacher must have before starts their engine to teach their students. Guess guess~ It's about a lesson plan people! Haha!

Remember when your teacher came into your class and bring the big book thingy with them as well. Yup, that's their lesson plan for the teaching of that particular day. They bring it with them all the time so that they wouldn't miss anything about what they gonna to teach to their student. 

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Some of the teachers will be like... Haha, please no more lame jokes, Fizy!

Lesson plan. What is lesson plan? A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction or 'learning trajectory' for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning.

A lesson plan is so important to teachers because it's like their guidelines for their teaching. So, the teacher won't lose track because they follow their lesson plan that they make.

Today's reflection~

Lesson Plan~

So, the lesson plan consists of:
Proficiency Level: There's a 3 level of proficiency (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), so the teacher have to choose one of these levels, for example, Beginner, the teacher have to teach basic thing like definition and etc.

Subject: What subject you want to teach? English? Maths? Each subject has their own lesson plan, so don't mix it up.

Background Knowledge: Do the students have knowledge about this topic? Do they know about it before?

Learning Objectives: The goals and intentions of the teacher who teaches the subject. Can often be numerous, accurate, and detailed. Assessing and reporting on each goal for each student may be impossible.

Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes are what students are expected to learn after completing the lesson planOutcomes are clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the subject.

Values: Values from lesson plan play an important part in student's lives. They help them to decide what they expect of themselves and of others. Their values help them to make decisions.

Teaching Aids: An object (such as a book, picture, or map) or device (such as a DVD or computer) used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction audiovisual teaching aids.

Resource / Reference: What kind of material the teacher are using for their teaching? Reference books, textbooks and etc. as their additional info for the process of instruction.

Lesson Plan (Stages)

Stages: There are 3 stages: Introduction, Development, and Closure. These three are important for teachers so that the teaching instruction will become more organize.

Teacher / Student Activity: This one is about what kind of learning activity they must do according to the lesson plan.

Rationale: What students will get or outcomes from the learning process~

AVA: AVA (Audio Visual Aids) is a device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic and KEBABOOM! Haha, just joking! 

Self-reflection: This one is a must for a teacher to write a self-reflection because it helps them to improve their way of teaching. Also, it helps them to make improvement so that they'll a good educator in the future~

So, that's all from me! Bye!
From, Piggy~

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Monday 13 March 2017

(170307) Third Class Reflection

Hello, everyone!

How you guys been lately? Stressful week huh? As usual, I always skipped my breakfast because I don't have time to eat, was so rushing to go to the class. Haha. So, for this week class reflection, we've learned about student-centered.

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Chill girl~ Haha!

Ok! Let us begin on what we've learned today! So, we were discussing in the article or a report about “Navigating The Bumpy Road to Student-Centred Instruction” in class. This article tells us about a traditional type of student’s experiences on how they are adapting learning in student-centered educations and the obstacles in teaching this traditional student. Yeah, like me. Just joking.

So, how this traditional student would react if the student suddenly has to adapt this kind of learning? They are not happy with it because they have been exposed that the teacher is the only person who is teaching in the classroom or teacher-centred instruction.

Next, Woods (1994) observes that students forced to take major responsibility for their own learning go through some or all of the steps psychologists associated with trauma and grief. I choose three out of eight reactions of students learning through student-centred instruction.

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They were too shocked. 
"I don't believe it we have to do homework in groups and she isn't going to lecture on the chapter before the problems are due?"

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Resistance and withdrawal.
"I'm not going to play her dumb games, I don't care if she fails me."

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Return of confidence.
"Hey, I may be able to pull this off after allI think it's starting to work."

After we're finished our discussion on that topic, we're assigned to do our 3rd reflection from Dr. Ng: Suggest 2 methods solve 4 selected issues from 11 listed highlighted in the article.

That's mean 4 issues with 2 methods. Whoa! Haha!

Today's reflection~

1. If I assign homework, presentation, or projects to groups, some students will "hitchhike," getting credit for work in which they did not actively participate.

i. Create a strict rule and punishment for those who did not actively participate. The teacher also has to distribute the role that they have to do for homework, presentation or etc. to make them work together in the group.
ii. Create a reporting system. For example, after that group finishes their discussion on something like who is gonna be presenting and whatsoever, the team leader have to make a report, so the teacher knows what they are doing.

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Wait, I want to submit my report! Hold on, teacher~

2. I assign readings, but many of my students don't read them and those who do seem unable to
understand the material independently.

i. I will try to explain about the readings and ask the students if they have any of doubts.
ii. Set the students to work in pairs. So they know what they are doing and help each other if one of them don't understand and etc.

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Don't worry, be happy~

3. If I don't lecture, I'll lose control of the class.

i. How to control the class even though you didn't lecture them? First thing first, I'll make sure the topic to learn on that day, the students understand about it and ask them a question if they have any doubt.
ii. Create a group discussion. Choose a reliable leader to lead the team. This is so important because they will be on a right track while they discussing the topics and the teacher has to monitor them as a facilitator to ensure they can manage to make a discussion.

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Group discussion in the classroom will be like...
The students don't know what they are discussing~

4. Many of the cooperative teams in my class are not working well their assignments are superficial and incomplete, and some team members keep complaining to me about others not participating.

i. I try to select a significant activity like brainstorming or resolving conflicts and offer tips in class on effective ways to carry out the activity. So that the group interested in doing that group thingy. Haha!
ii. I will give teams the last resort option of firing uncooperative members after giving them at least two warnings, and I will give individuals carrying most of the workload the possibility of joining another group after giving their uncooperative teammates at least two warnings.

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No, try! Don't give up~

So, that's it from me! Have a pleasant day~
From, Piggy.

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Monday 6 March 2017

(170228) Second Class Reflection

Hi, everyone.

I'm so sorry for the late post due to 'unforeseen circumstances'~ Yeah, my brain can't function this few weeks correctly but who cares? Haha.

So, for this week class (two or three weeks ago, haha~), we've learned about 10 things students want educators to know in our Pedagogy in Education class session. Yup, it's about students' feelings on how they learned or experienced in school. Dr. Ng also explains more thoroughly about this topic. Maybe when you read the image below, you probably had experienced some unforeseen events in the school or classrooms, for example being ignored by the teacher because you're a slow learner, etc.

10 things students want educators to know

After the discussion had been ended, Dr. Ng told us to think about 10 things students don't want educators to do. So I've listed down 10 things, but if you agree or disagree, please post your comment below, thank you! Let's digging!

1. Being late for work
As an educator, you should be a good example to your students. So, if you came late for work, the students also doing the same thing at their workplace in their future. So far, I didn't encounter this situation yet, so yeah, I hope that I wouldn't be that type of educator! Haha, so embarrassing!

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So restless~ Haha!

2.  Giving too much homework or assignment
As an educator, you shouldn't burden your student by giving them a lot of exercises, etc. That's a no-no! It will demotivate the students on their learning.

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Too heavy to carry, so do the student's brain as well~

3. Give Up
Teaching is challenging work. Giving up is the easy way out. No matter what time of the school year, your students deserve your best. Learn from your failures. Learn from your successes. Every student is worth the trouble. Every student has the potential to succeed. Every teacher has the knowledge to know the difference between working hard and hardly working. Every teacher has the power to create experiences that shape the future of a student positively.

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Please don't, teachers! Your students need you!

4. Yelling
Yes, it happened when I was in secondary school, maybe the teachers are too stressed with their students who won't paid attention in the class. No students like yelling at them. This will cause them to slowly dislike the teacher and may result in distrust too. Also by yelling, you can never follow the classroom management plan. Students will more listen to you when you speak in a normal voice. While raising your voice, it seems like you are showering your frustrations in front of them. Clear communication will make teaching an easier and enjoyable task as well.

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Cool down, young lady~

5. Getting too much friendly
Who want a strict teacher all the time, teachers should be a friend to their students, but most new teachers make this mistake. They try to win the students by compromising on discipline, which may result in disrespect. Make sure to follow the set of rules that teaches them discipline. Also never be too open with students to discuss your personal information. Instead stay professional and try to earn their respect and appreciation.

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It's not annoying, but yeah, teachers should know their limit also~

6. Sit the entire class
An easy mistake for teachers to make, especially when they’re tired, is to sit for the whole class, but if you sit the whole class, you drain energy not only from yourself but also from the class itself. Moving around keeps you lose and energized and having you in different parts of the classroom and in closer proximity to students helps keep them focus. (I have to cut down my weight so that I won't be tired while teaching in the class~ Haha!)

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What the teacher's feel inside be like...

7. Forget to encourage students to pay attention, take notes, study & practice outside of class
This matter always happens in my secondary school. As the teachers know that some students are extremely motivated and don’t need to be asked. Others, need encouragement to take notes or do homework. If they’re not taking notes, ask them to. If they forget to do their homework, talk to them about how important the extra practice is and encourage them to do it. Keep them on task and paying attention in class. Students need to know they’re not in a bubble where they can do whatever they want. You are in there with them. 

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Who done this before? Please don't lie~

8. Forget to memorize and use student’s names
I know my name is quite unique, but I really appreciate if the teacher always remembers my name especially in the class (but not a Q&A session, please don't call me, just joking!). Students will appreciate that you took the time to really get to know them. It shows you care and helps forge a more personal bond with your students, so the sooner you can learn their names, the better off you are.

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Please don't, haha~

9. Embarrass your students
I did experience this when I was in Form 6, my Geography teacher always busy reminding me to lose some weight but in an improper way. She called me 'Fatty' (what a mean world~) in the class in front of my classmates, it really hurts my feelings. So, don’t joke about your students’ shortcomings and insecurities. Your job as a teacher is to build students up, not to tear them down and if you say anything bad about one student, other students may start to wonder what you are saying about them as well, or when you might start.

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Don't be like this, ok?

10. Forget to take attendance
I don't know what else I can put for this article, so yeah. Depending on your employer, you may also need to jot down participation grades for all your students. Don’t forget to get in the habit of taking attendance at the start of class. You may think you can do it later when you have more time, but if you forget and a few days go by, you may not remember with certainty and attendance can be crucial to students.

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Please raise up your hands!~ Haha

That's all from me. 

From, Piggy~ Muah...

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