Tuesday 4 April 2017

(170404) Mock teaching starts today~

Hi folks~ Totally a stressful week for those who are gonna do their mock teaching session, which is starts today! Good luck guys! I know it's hard to stand at the front of the 'classroom', teaching 'us', haha~ Even though some of my coursemates said that this is their first time teaching, but they really did a good job, well human are not perfect, so they need to improve a lot after this in order to become a good educator!

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1. Teacher Ashwini. I came late to the class, so I missed it, huhu~

2. Teacher Anis~ Missed this one also, sorry Anis!!!!

3. Teacher Azie. I really loved her teaching, very clear~ Haha!

4. Teacher Yue Ling. I really liked the 'Circle Song' video and I danced like a primary student, haha!!!

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So far, I really enjoyed the mock teaching session today. You guys are so seuwag~

And today it's my birthday guys~ Feel old already, haha! Happy birthday, Teacher Piggy. Have a blast~

Wishes from Google, haha~

Birthday gift: Free Henna from Free Market at Level 2, haha~ (ft. Anis & Malar's hand)

That's all for today, folks!
From, Teacher Piggy~


  1. You did more than what teacher ask.
    Good job! :)

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment, Yoke Jen~

  3. Fizy.... Can I know how's your preparation going on? I hope that you will tell me futher hehehe

    1. You can read it on my 6th reflection post~ Thank you!

  4. Yaaaa. you really did seems enjoyed the music very very well!!! Hopefully this memorable moment stays in your brain until many years later we meet each other, we still can joke around about our mock teaching. :)))
    Best of luck!

    1. You're the best teacher! You're using an interesting to gain your student's attention! Good teaching~ All the best, Ling!

  5. Hi, Fizy.... A good write Up.. congratulations to everyone who have done their best..

    1. Yup, me too! Congratulations to them bevause they've done a good job on their mock teaching~

  6. Great job on your writing fizy.. You have improved alot.. keep going ya!!!
