Monday 3 April 2017

(170328) Sixth Class Reflection

Hi. Guys. How. are. you. guys? Why I'm writing like a moron? I dunno~ Haha


So today, for the first time ever I have an online class through UNIEC Virtual. But dang lucky I was able to wake up, a little bit late because of my notifications sound is too 'loud' and entering the chatroom quickly as possible, even though I'm quite blurring when I try to answering the question. Dr. Ng has beeped me twice to wake me up in the chatroom, sorry Dr.~

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Classroom management. Today's topic is quite challenging for me because nowadays, you know, how the students behave in the class?  The students are notorious and so difficult to handle. This topic also teaches us on how do you manage to control the class and kinds of stuff.

Image result for classroom management
Classroom management definition

Related image

Click this link for a larger view: Managing a Classroom
How to handle your class~

Another post is about mock teaching preparation~ This is like my first time teaching, so I'm scared and quite nervous also~ Typical me.

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Ok, let's move on. So for mock teaching, I'm gonna to teach English subject which is about Conjunction for Form 1 students. Conjunction literally about joining words, sentences or phrases. There are 5 conjunctions: and, but, so, or & because~

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Nope, I'm not teaching about rock stuff~ So, don't worry, haha~

I've done planning my lesson plan according to KSSM, make a PowerPoint slide, searching for a short video to boost up the class and Kahoot!. Who loves Kahoot!, raise your hands up! Haha~

Sneak peak for my mock teaching.

To get an additional reference for my slides, so I go to the Popular Bookshop at Paradigm Mall. I'm so freaking lazy to walk even though it's just nearby, and yes, I booked my Grab just to go there because there's promotion and I want to collect the points too, haha! Magic at your fingertips, haha!

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Easy right?

I've found this book~ Wish I can go back to school again, huhu~

The topic that I'm gonna to teach Y'all later, be ready! Haha!

Sneak peak of my mock teaching material~

I hope that I can make it and it will run smoothly as I wanted to be. Good luck, Teacher Piggie! Fighting!

That's all for today, folks!
From, Teacher Piggy~ Haha!

My mood right now, hahaha~


  1. Hey there! it's fascinating to read your blog because I you included many korean artist in every blog post! I'm a big fan of korean movie!! Yayy.

    Good luck for your mock teaching! :)

    1. Really? Haha! It's quite nice to hear some good feedback about that~ Thanks!

  2. Hi there! what a great explanation on your blog! Keep it up girl!

  3. The beep beep thing is really really fun. hehehe

    1. Haha! Right? It's really wake me up and get my conscience real quick after that~ Haha

    2. Im glad it works for you! hahaha

  4. Hello there! Great write up on today’s blog. I can see you took the effort and initiative to make the lesson effective. When preparing for your mock teaching, did face any difficulties? Looking forward for your reply 😃

    1. Yes, I do. This is my first time, so it's quite hard you know how to prepare these stuff. You have to learn A to Z about teaching stuff~ Yeah, to make sure I'm on the right track, I do some research on it~
