Saturday 3 October 2020

Absolutely correction! I'm back!

Hi korang. Lama gila tak update blog ni but yeah initially this blog dicipta untuk post pasal stuff masa zaman belajar kat UNITAR dulu

Pejam celik dah graduate pun, even dah jadi cikgu dah, thank God, I made it! 

So yeah, hidup sis sekarang ni boleh la tapi kalau boleh nak pergi zaman belajar dulu-dulu, huhuhu baru nak menyesal.

Kalau sis ada kelapangan, I'll update the blog ASAP sebab rindu gilaaaaa nak blogging.

I think sampai di sini sahaja post untuk hari ini, anyway always stay safe wherever you are. Okies?

Annyeong yeoreobun!

Teacher Piggie~

Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Best Teacher Goes To...

Hi, folks! This is the last post for Pedagogy in Education reflection blog, huhu~

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'I'm like TT, just like TT'

So for this reflection question is about:

"From the mock teaching sessions you have seen, choose one which you think is best. Reflect on the following aspects: teacher role in managing the students, managing the lesson, the teaching method, the lesson - content, and add two more aspects to reflect. - (to be written after you have seen all)"

I think the best teacher for this mock teaching assignment goes to...

Mr. Hyde & Jekyll, Teacher Vimal

Why? The reason is that:

1. Excellent introduction.
He's using his situation, if I'm not mistaken, he's talking about his birthday and associate it with the topic that he was gonna teach yesterday. Good one!

2. Classroom management: 100%
He's so strict, and he knows how to control a 'noisy' class and 'hyperactive' student very well. I'm gonna use this method on how to manage the classroom after this~

3. Active learning
I liked the activity he's using in his class, which is the student have to write the answer on the whiteboard after listening to the question. 

4. Confident
He was really assertive when he teach us yesterday. Probably this mock teaching wasn't a first time for him, I guess? Seriously, he teaches like a real teacher, I'm so shocked!

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Swag, Teacher Vimal~ Haha~

So, before that, I want to thank my lecture, Dr. Ng, for teaching us about Pedagogy in Education subject, haha! I'll make sure I have enough sleep before the exam, no worries. Also, to all my classmates, huhu! Thank you so much for being er... I don't know what to say lah, I want to cry already! You guys are so awesome, swag~ Good luck in your final exam, guys!

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'I'm like TT~'

Let us meet next semester~ Fighting!

Gonna miss this~ TT

Good luck and let us meet again next time~
From, Teacher Piggy.

(170418) Seventh Class Reflection

Hi, guys!

D-Day! Mock teaching! Oh, my God, I'm really nervous! What am I gonna do? Huhu! By the way, I still manage to completed my mock teaching despite so many things happened this morning, huhu! Thanks to Mogannah because she saved my day! Really appreciate it! Thanks again, Mona~

You'll see I'm struggling to play the video, huhu~
But I'll put it here so that you guys can watch the video.

Conjunction Song~

Explanation on today's topic~

Quiz time folks~

Kahoot! Session~

A short video from my mock teaching~ Credit to Dr. Ng.
Thank you for your attention folks~

Based on the feedback that I received from Dr. Ng, yup I didn't bring my laptop because I don't have it. As a teacher, you must be well-prepared~ Huhu! Next time, I'll try my best to provide it~ Then she commented on my PowerPoint slide, of course, la good one la, haha~ But the explanation part, I need to improve it to be more energetic. Yup, my bad, probably this is my very first time teaching, so yeah, I'm a little bit nervous, haha! 

So, self-reflection for today's teaching:

'I think that I have to learn more about how to control the classroom because I couldn’t monitor the classroom in the way that I wanted to. Even though the classroom is too noisy, but I managed to impart my knowledge to my students and achieving my learning outcomes through Kahoot! session. Also, I have to improve myself on how to explain the topics clearly and in an energetic way so that the students can feel the vibe and understand more thoroughly about the topic they have learned on that day.'

Next, my friends also do their mock teaching today (because I'm the first one who are doing the mock teaching, butterflies in my stomach~)

1. Teacher Mona, we're learning about Pythagoras Theorem

2. Teacher Malar, teaching Perimeter and Area, why I failed this Maths subject? Probably I met a wrong teacher, or maybe I'm a slow learner, haha~

3. Teacher Vetha, is that an angry face? Whoo, scary, haha~

4. Last but not least, Teacher Vimal, the person who are having dual personalities, haha, just joking~

Today is our last class, so sad!!! 

Hehe~ Where am I?

I'm gonna miss this one also, thank you Dr. Ng~

That's all from me, bubye~
From, Teacher Piggy~

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Tuesday 4 April 2017

(170404) Mock teaching starts today~

Hi folks~ Totally a stressful week for those who are gonna do their mock teaching session, which is starts today! Good luck guys! I know it's hard to stand at the front of the 'classroom', teaching 'us', haha~ Even though some of my coursemates said that this is their first time teaching, but they really did a good job, well human are not perfect, so they need to improve a lot after this in order to become a good educator!

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1. Teacher Ashwini. I came late to the class, so I missed it, huhu~

2. Teacher Anis~ Missed this one also, sorry Anis!!!!

3. Teacher Azie. I really loved her teaching, very clear~ Haha!

4. Teacher Yue Ling. I really liked the 'Circle Song' video and I danced like a primary student, haha!!!

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So far, I really enjoyed the mock teaching session today. You guys are so seuwag~

And today it's my birthday guys~ Feel old already, haha! Happy birthday, Teacher Piggy. Have a blast~

Wishes from Google, haha~

Birthday gift: Free Henna from Free Market at Level 2, haha~ (ft. Anis & Malar's hand)

That's all for today, folks!
From, Teacher Piggy~

Monday 3 April 2017

(170328) Sixth Class Reflection

Hi. Guys. How. are. you. guys? Why I'm writing like a moron? I dunno~ Haha


So today, for the first time ever I have an online class through UNIEC Virtual. But dang lucky I was able to wake up, a little bit late because of my notifications sound is too 'loud' and entering the chatroom quickly as possible, even though I'm quite blurring when I try to answering the question. Dr. Ng has beeped me twice to wake me up in the chatroom, sorry Dr.~

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Classroom management. Today's topic is quite challenging for me because nowadays, you know, how the students behave in the class?  The students are notorious and so difficult to handle. This topic also teaches us on how do you manage to control the class and kinds of stuff.

Image result for classroom management
Classroom management definition

Related image

Click this link for a larger view: Managing a Classroom
How to handle your class~

Another post is about mock teaching preparation~ This is like my first time teaching, so I'm scared and quite nervous also~ Typical me.

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Ok, let's move on. So for mock teaching, I'm gonna to teach English subject which is about Conjunction for Form 1 students. Conjunction literally about joining words, sentences or phrases. There are 5 conjunctions: and, but, so, or & because~

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Nope, I'm not teaching about rock stuff~ So, don't worry, haha~

I've done planning my lesson plan according to KSSM, make a PowerPoint slide, searching for a short video to boost up the class and Kahoot!. Who loves Kahoot!, raise your hands up! Haha~

Sneak peak for my mock teaching.

To get an additional reference for my slides, so I go to the Popular Bookshop at Paradigm Mall. I'm so freaking lazy to walk even though it's just nearby, and yes, I booked my Grab just to go there because there's promotion and I want to collect the points too, haha! Magic at your fingertips, haha!

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Easy right?

I've found this book~ Wish I can go back to school again, huhu~

The topic that I'm gonna to teach Y'all later, be ready! Haha!

Sneak peak of my mock teaching material~

I hope that I can make it and it will run smoothly as I wanted to be. Good luck, Teacher Piggie! Fighting!

That's all for today, folks!
From, Teacher Piggy~ Haha!

My mood right now, hahaha~

Thursday 23 March 2017

(170321) Fifth Class Reflection

Annyeong. Bonjour! Hi, guys~ Again... Haha~

Last week, we learned about Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes~ So, I put the image below as summary on what we have learned on that day. Let's take a look!

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Learning Objectives vs. Learning Outcomes

So, today our class are focusing on music! Yeah, not a K-pop songs ok, Fizy! Hahaha~ Who likes to listening to music while studying? Like me. Yeah, for me, music like piano instrumental or classical music (as long it is instrumental, haha!) really help to boost up my mood to study especially a heavy subject and also helps me to focus more on what I'm gonna to study. You can use music as a supporting tool in your class too. It can contribute to creating a positive vibe in the class! Your students gonna love you for the entire year~ Haha!!!

Image result for listening to music gif

'We're soaring, flying~' Haha~

Today's reflection~ Hukhuk!

Luckily I've found this website named SlideShare, so called the mother of powerpoints and slides, you named it. There's a slide for education, technology, and everything. You can search it from there. So I've found this slide, and I'm falling in love with it. 

Click this link for the slide: 10 Ways to Spread The Love in The Office

The reason why this presentation doesn't need to be fixed, because:

1. Impressive points.
Even though the person who makes this slide are using simple sentences to highlighting of ways to spread the love in the office, the point is so powerful yet attracts the audience because it's too stand out.

2. Creative graphics and images.
Graphics game level=100%. The graphics and pictures that that person is using are so beautiful and attractive too. So that the audience who read this slide won't lose their attention look at those slides.

3. Straightforward and plain wallpaper.
This slide even though it's so simple, but the plain wallpaper helps to make sure the audiences can see the slides clearly and easy to watch from far behind.

4.Font game.
The font. Oh, my~ This person are playing with the fonts, so as for a result, EPIC! I like how this person choosing the font very carefully in order to make those sentences to stand out!

So guys, what do you think about the slide? Are you agree with me?

That's it for today, see ya~
From, Piggie

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Monday 20 March 2017

(170313) Fourth Class Reflection

Hi, guys! We meet again huh~ Haha!

Ok,~ Jjang jjang! Last Tuesday, we learned something that an educator or a teacher must have before starts their engine to teach their students. Guess guess~ It's about a lesson plan people! Haha!

Remember when your teacher came into your class and bring the big book thingy with them as well. Yup, that's their lesson plan for the teaching of that particular day. They bring it with them all the time so that they wouldn't miss anything about what they gonna to teach to their student. 

Image result for lesson plan clip art

Image result for lesson plan meme

Some of the teachers will be like... Haha, please no more lame jokes, Fizy!

Lesson plan. What is lesson plan? A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction or 'learning trajectory' for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning.

A lesson plan is so important to teachers because it's like their guidelines for their teaching. So, the teacher won't lose track because they follow their lesson plan that they make.

Today's reflection~

Lesson Plan~

So, the lesson plan consists of:
Proficiency Level: There's a 3 level of proficiency (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), so the teacher have to choose one of these levels, for example, Beginner, the teacher have to teach basic thing like definition and etc.

Subject: What subject you want to teach? English? Maths? Each subject has their own lesson plan, so don't mix it up.

Background Knowledge: Do the students have knowledge about this topic? Do they know about it before?

Learning Objectives: The goals and intentions of the teacher who teaches the subject. Can often be numerous, accurate, and detailed. Assessing and reporting on each goal for each student may be impossible.

Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes are what students are expected to learn after completing the lesson planOutcomes are clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the subject.

Values: Values from lesson plan play an important part in student's lives. They help them to decide what they expect of themselves and of others. Their values help them to make decisions.

Teaching Aids: An object (such as a book, picture, or map) or device (such as a DVD or computer) used by a teacher to enhance or enliven classroom instruction audiovisual teaching aids.

Resource / Reference: What kind of material the teacher are using for their teaching? Reference books, textbooks and etc. as their additional info for the process of instruction.

Lesson Plan (Stages)

Stages: There are 3 stages: Introduction, Development, and Closure. These three are important for teachers so that the teaching instruction will become more organize.

Teacher / Student Activity: This one is about what kind of learning activity they must do according to the lesson plan.

Rationale: What students will get or outcomes from the learning process~

AVA: AVA (Audio Visual Aids) is a device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic and KEBABOOM! Haha, just joking! 

Self-reflection: This one is a must for a teacher to write a self-reflection because it helps them to improve their way of teaching. Also, it helps them to make improvement so that they'll a good educator in the future~

So, that's all from me! Bye!
From, Piggy~

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